Friday, October 2, 2009

Burns and Snow

Last week saw lots of snow falling in Summit County but most has melted at the lower elevations. The snow still remains on the peaks though. This made perfect burn weather for our crew.

Looks like night but this was take about 9 am.

I have gotten rid of whatever decided to reside in my sinuses for the past week and have decided to celebrate with some riding - only touched my bike once last weekend. Friday has become my day to sleep in and enjoy the morning during the summer. This provides a nice break from early mornings and long days of the work week and time for a big breakfast.

Steak, eggs, potatoes, toast, coffee, V8, and Dakota wants some.

Breakfast consumed, dishes done, and now it is time to take a quick hike with dog. Waiting for the sun to warm up a bit before I swing a leg over.

1 comment:

bluecolnago said...

i had oatmeal for breakfast. yours looks better....