Sunday, October 11, 2009


It was a very blustery day, indeed. The wind started sometime on Friday and wouldn't quit, hopefully a massive storm is a brewing and with it snow. Only three more days of work and it is off to Fruita on Thursday morning. Free Lunch, Chutes and Ladders, Book Cliffs, Kokopelli, Zippety Do Da, and the Holy Grail. I will touch rubber to all of these and then return to work next Monday with sore legs and a stuck-on-smile.

The Ranch with Peaks 8, 9, and 10.

Snowy trails disappear into the unknown.

Red Trail looking up the valley.


Iowagriz said...

Make sure that you find Holy Cross, that was my favorite at the lunch loop area. From the top of Tabeguache, head down prenupt to Holy Cross (right turn I think). Lots of fun.

Ann Lueck said...

Be sure to call when you return safe and sound.

Andy said...

Thanks Tom and will do mom.

bluecolnago said...

have fun!